Name: Orlana
Nickname(s): Orlie, Orla, Lana
Rank: Senior Weyrwoman
Sex: female
Age: 25 turns
Birthplace: Teslier Weyr
Mother: Tikathi, goldrider of Illiath
Father: T'mik, bronzerider of Ryleath
Foster Parents: Hayli
Siblings: she doesn't know them
Children: Teylan/1 turn
Eye color/shape: Gold, speckled through with emerald green, inherited
from both parents. Slightly slanted and almond shaped, framed by thick
black lashes.
Hair color/style: Thick blonde hair to the middle of her back and curls,
bangs hang down to her chin, framing her jaw line.
Height: 5'7 and all legs
Weight/Build: 120 lbs, curvy figure with muscles built from turns of
Complexion: Clear and very tan
Voice: A soft and husky alto, she adores singing, although she never
Jewelry/weapons: A dagger in her right boot, and a small pinkie finger
Clothing: Tight breeches of brown or black, with tunics of either sea
green or turquoise. All her tunics and dresses are lace up and cut low to
show off cleavage. Her gather finery consists of a red brocade dress,
with a matching rope belt and lovely sandals made of twisted reeds and
dyed to match.
Background: Grew up in Teslier, she lived with her real parents for
awhile, but she got tired of being bored, so Tikathi fostered her to
Hayli. Remaining close to her parents, she Impressed the gold Liorith at
age 14. The only talent she learned was how to be a good Weyrbrat.
Unfortunately, Orlana was a bit of a slut around Teslier, much to the
dismay of her parents. When she reached the age of 17, Liorith rose in
her first mating flight. Orlana thought it over, and decided she didn't
like Teslier much, so when she could, she'd sneak out and explore the
Southern Continent, where she found Sea Cove. When it was time for the
gold to clutch, Orlana made her lay it there. So Tikathi came to stay
with her, and brought her candidates, while the Conclave made the
decision to let her have the Weyr.
Personality: Very, very outgoing, she takes all risks with a smile. At
times, she is a bit too risky and it is up to someone to tell her. She is
a really sweet woman, if a bit slutty. Orla is proud of her body and
loves to flaunt it. But when it comes to the safety of her Weyr or her
golden lifemate Liorith, she is very protective.
Abilities: Good at leading the Weyr, entertaining small children and
singing a little.
Pets: A blue firelizard named Zip and a gold named Zap.
Dragon Information
Dragon's name: Liorith
Dragon's color: gold
Date of Impression: When Orlana was 14.
Dam: Illiath
Sire: Ryleath
Wing: Queen's Wing
Size: Large, 42 meters
Appearance: Lio is more banana yellow then she is gold, but she has amber
trickling down her throat and bleeding all over her belly. Her wings
spread out to be a beautiful, almost white gold color. And her headknobs
are so light, they almost white. Lio's hunches appear to have speckles of
silver on them, but upon closer inspection, they are brilliant gold and a
couple of speckles of golden bronze.
Personality: She is a good leader and a good mother. Keeps an eye on all
her children, even after they hatch. She talks to all dragons, and keeps
a running tab on new ones.
Relationships: Close to her mate, Oacilyth. Often can be found twinning
necks or rubbing muzzles.
Strengths and Weaknesses: As she is very big, Liorith is not very agile
or speedy. Gaining altitude and stamina are more her thing. And she loves
to show off, which isn't always good!
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