Name: Lagre
Nickname(s): None that she knows of...probably plenty used behind her
back by the Weyrbrats.
Rank: Headwoman of Sea Cove Weyr
Sex: female
Age: 59
Birthplace: Igen Weyr
Mother: Yvette (Headwoman of Igen at that time)
Father: Zane (Harper residing at Igen at that time)
Siblings: Lionel (now deceased, older brother by 4 years), Zette (now
42, sister residing at Igen as second to the Headwoman), N'van (now 37,
brother, rider of brown Ifath at Igen), Yvonne (now 35, sister living at
Bitra Hold)
Children: Many of her own, spread out over the Norther Continent, and
many fostered over the years.
Eye color/shape: Lagre has warm brown eyes that almost always squint
now that she's at an older age.
Hair color/style: Salt and pepper (more salt, now) brown hair that is
always worn in a bun gathered at the nape of her neck.
Height: A mere 5'1.
Weight/Build: Lagre truly is large, bordering on 160-170 pounds.
Complexion: Lagre's tanned skin is now riddled by wrinkles at the
corners of her eyes, the corners of her lips, and along her cheeks. She
likes to accredit these to smiling too much.
Voice: A bit scratchy now, but in her youthful years it was extremely
calm and soothing.
Jewelry/weapons: Lagre wears a ring on nearly every finger and a
necklace or two. The only article she wears with any regularity is the
thick silver necklace given to her by her parents - the other she cycles
through every day.
Clothing: Good, sturdy clothing is what Lagre loves best. She quite
often wears browns and greys. Usually opting for long dresses, she only
wears breeches and tunics when it's absolutely necessary. Gather
finery: The one time she ever wears brighter colors. Her Gather dress
is a bright blue marbled with swirls of purple, with long sleeves that
flare at the ends to nearly cover her hands.
Background: Lagre was born at Igen Weyr of Yvette and Zane. Her
mother, being the Headwoman at Igen, taught Lagre in the ways of being
Headwoman. She has three remaining siblings whom she attempts to keep
in touch with as often as possible. Her older brother Lionel died two
Turns ago, and Lagre took the loss very hard. For this reason, she
moved South to look for a position as Headwoman. When Orlana found Sea
Cove, she heard of it and immediately went to ask for the position,
which Orlana was more than happy to give.
Personality: Truly a grandmotherly type. If anyone is in need of help,
or just someone to listen to them, she makes herself available. However
- grandmothers are often grumpy too, and this is also the case with
Lagre. If something she orders doesn't get done quickly, it sends her
entire day into a downward spiral, unless something wonderful comes
along to brighten her up. Lagre is also the type to watch and comment
about younger genereations - you know how that is with older people.
Abilities: Lagre has a level head, and can manage things well. She
prides herself in being able to calm those in a panic about something
insignificant, or aid those in a panic about the NOT so insignificant.
Pets: Tygre (a calico cat), Dell (a blue firelizard), Oaf (a brown
firelizard), and Queenie (a gold firelizard).
Other: Loves being in the middle of things, and is known for her random
pieces of wisdom.
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