Name: Kyra
Nicknames: none
Rank: Apprentice Harper
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Birthplace: High Reaches Weyr
Mother: Nesta, 45, healer at High Reaches Weyr
Father: S'lar, 48, brownrider at High Reaches Weyr
Siblings: none
Eyes: somewhat almond shaped hazel eyes
Hair: shoulder length brown hair streaked with blond from the sun
Height: about 5'5
Weight/Build: 112 pounds, slender build
Complexion: a bit pale - High Reaches is a pretty cold place
Voice: smooth and rather melodious..she has the makings of a harper.
Jewlery: She usually wears only a thin silver necklace with a blue stone
pendant at the end as jewlery. She never carries any weapons, as she's
never had need for one.
Clothing: Dresses usually for warmth, not style. When she DOES dress
nicely, she wears lots of greens and blues, mixed with some browns. She
usually wears long skirts and sweaters, with sturdy boots or shoes.
Background: Born at High Reaches Weyr, Kyra has lived there all her life,
with the exception of one year, when she was 15, when she studied with a
harper away from her home. Her mother got too lonely without her,
however, and made her come home...though, ever since, she has longed to
be a Harper.
Personality: Of the impression that Harpers must be at least a little
outgoing, Kyra has done her best to develop her people skills. She is
quick to help people, but is also sometimes quick to judge...a fault
which is corrected with difficulty, but she strives to mend.
Abilities: Kyra's best talent is her singing voice. She developed it
well while studying with the harper, and still practices every day.
Pets: Gold firelizard named Taleigh.
Craft Information
Craft: Harper
Specialty: Singing
Strengths and Weaknesses: None just yet either way - she hasn't had the opportunity to develop her skills.
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