
Name: T'ler/Teyler
Nickname(s): Ty, Tey
Rank: Weyrleader
Sex: male
Age: 27
Birthplace: Fort Weyr
Mother: Kiena, Headwoman of Fort
Father: J'fer, rider of the blue Tikinth
Siblings: many half siblings, no full
Children: 1 turn old son, Teylan
Eye color/shape: Grey-blue, almond shaped, slanted slightly, framed by long black lashes
Hair color/style: Shaggy curly black hair, to his ears
Height: 5'11
Weight/Build: 156, well built, muscular
Complexion: well tanned
Voice: deep soothing baritone
Jewelry/weapons: a beltknife
Clothing: Tight black breeches with Sea Cove colored tunics (turquoise and sea green), and you usually see him with his riding jacket near by. Gather finery consists of wher hide trousers dyed black, a white tunic with a sea green wher hide vest, that has been embroidered with firelizards chasing each other, by Master Fayria.
Background: Grew up as every normal Weyrbrat does, playing pranks and swiping bubblies. Always fascinated by dragons and firelizards. When he was 12, he took up healing. He became a Journeyman Healer, but shortly Impressed the bronze Oacilyth. As gifts of congratulations, he ended up with several firelizard eggs. Now, he had already had a green named Iolin and a blue named Dubins, but now had another green, whom he named Sea, a bronze named Mciky, and a gold, who became Lio. When he caught drift of the news that the goldrider, Orlana, from Teslier, had formed a Weyr, he was the first in line to transfer. And when her gold, Liorith rose to mate, Oacilyth caught her, making them the Leaders. Shortly after, Orlana found herself pregnant, and nine months later, she gave birth to their son, Teylan. He is now 1 turn.
Personality: Very easy to get along with, whenever he is about. He is either withdrawn, muttering over hides, or all about the weyr, meeting and talking with the riders.
Abilities: Good with Weyrlings, he occasionally helps the Weylingmaster, acting has his WLM2. Also good with Weyrbrats, healing and leading.
Pets: 2 green flits- Iolin, and Sea. 1 blue- Dubins, 1 bronze- Mciky, and 1 gold-Lio.
Other: T'ler is good at finding the beloved flitter clutches, and is always happy to surprise the Weyr with a clutch. And he throughly enjoys his flitter races, so riders, beware! T'ler and his fair are on the lurk!

Dragon Information

Dragon's name: Oacilyth
Dragon's color: bronze
Date of Impression: many turns ago
Dam: Hilinoth
Sire: Fiorith
Wing: StormStruck
Size: Large, about the size of a small gold.
Appearance: Well proportioned, thick muscluar neck, a threadscore scar across his thigh. He is the color of copper, oxidized, then rusted. A shimmering gleam of gold tiptoes across his belly and up around his hunches.
Personality: Cheerful and bubbly, always up with the latest gossip flowing through the Weyr.
Relationships: Loves his golden mate, Liorith, fiercely, as well as his rider.
Strengths and Weaknesses: Good at fighting Thread, but now they are south, he doesn't need to. Good with heavy loads. Bad with keeping his mouth shut!

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